Friday 30 September 2016


Image result for coconut
  • Useful source of fibre
  • Drawbacks
  • High in saturated fat
  • High in calories

Coconut oil, used in confectionery and margarine, is one of only two plants oils in common use that are high in saturated fat (the other is palm oil). Although the oil does not contain cholesterol, the consumption of coconut oil still raises cholesterol level in blood which in turn increase the risk of a heart attack. Coconut oil also lacks most of the nutrients that other nut and vegetable oils contain. The coconut’s flesh contains 351 calories per 100g more than three quarters of which come from saturated fat. The flesh contain plenty of dietary fibre, but is a relatively poor source of vitamin E and the minerals which most nuts are provide. Even though it is high in saturated fat, it is easy digestible, and it can be useful for people suffering from digestive disorder who have difficulty absorbing most other dietary fats.
Coconut can be eaten fresh, or it can be shredded and dried for use in desserts, ice creams and processed food. It is best known in British kitchen in its desiccated form, which has a slightly lower saturated fat content.
Coconut milk, the sweet tasting white fluid contained in the heart of the coconut, can be served as a drink, or used as a marinade. A cup of coconut  milk contains only about 57 calories and about 12g of carbohydrate. The protein content in the of fresh coconut milk is low 0.7g per cup and there is less than 0.5g of saturated fat. The coconut milk sold in supermarkets is seldom the fresh from. It is usually produced by squeezing liquid from a mixture of grated coconut flesh and water. Its calorific and nutritional value is lower than fresh coconut milk.
Coconut  cream – a rich, fatty mixture made from coconut flesh and milk- is often used in oriental curries.


Image result for coffee
  • Mild laxative and diuretic
  • Stimulates alertness
  • Can keep you awake when needed

A high intake of brewed or percolated coffee is linked to an increasing risk of heart disease
Coffee that has been brewed may raise blood cholesterol levels
Can cause migraine in susceptible individuals
In woman, an excessive intake may increase the risk of osteoporosis in later life.
As well as being rich source of caffeine , coffee also contains at least 300 other active ingredients, though only one of these –niacin- has any nutritional value. Niacin is produced during the bean-roasting process and one cup of coffee provides about 1mg of vitamin. But you would need to drink about 15 cups to obtain the adult daily requirement of niacin from the source. Any other nutritional value in the drink is derived from added milk and sugar.


Image result for Zucchini
Low in calories
Good source of beta carotene
Useful source of vitamin C and folate
Courgettes, a type of small young marrow, have tender edible skins and this is where most of the nutrients are found. A 100g portion of lightly boiled courgettes provides over a quarter of the vitamin C and a sixth of  the folate an adult needs each day, while containing only 19 calories. ( The same amount shallow-fried provides around 63 calories) Courgettes also supply beta carotene which body converts to vitamin A. Orangey-yellow courgette flowers can be served raw in salads or hot stuffed with finely chopped vegetables.


Image result for cranberries
Juice helps to fight bladder, kidney and urinary tract infections
The juice of these scarlet berries has long been as a home remedy for cystitis and other bladder, kidney and urinary- tract infections, especially in native North America.
Initially, the scientific explanation for this was based on the high acidity content of the cranberries. It was through that they raised the acid levels of the urine, there by killing the bacteria responsible for the research undertaken in Ohio, USA, suggests that cranberries contain a substance that stops the infectious bacteria from clinging to the cells that line the urinary tract and bladder, preventing them from multiplying. Farther research undertaken by Israeli scientists comparing a variety of juices indicates that the only other fruit to have the similar effect is the blueberry, a member of the same botanical family.


Image result for cucumber
Low in calories
The cool, crisp cucumber belongs to the same family as courgettes, pumpkins, watermelons and other squashes. It is one of the first vegetable to be cultivated in the world, although it actually has little nutritional value. Its most remarkable quality is an exceptionally high water content- 96.4 per cent- which make it more refreshing and lowin calories It is natural diuretic, but not particularly powerful one.
Although cucumber have long been valued as an ingredient in skin care preparations there is no scientific proof that there extract is beneficial to the skin or that slices placed over the eyes will have a reviving effect.


Image result for dates
Useful source of vitamin
Rich in potassium
Gentle laxative
May trigger migraines
Dried dates are high in sugar, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Health tips

It is linked to heart attack risk thousand die each year from using it. It is also linked to DNA damage, hair loss.
It is also having same health hazard.
It is a health hazard but it can be beneficial in treating chronic cancer pain, cancer vomiting and appetite stimulation. It can also helpful for pain from multiple sclerosis, epileptic, seizures and nerve pain.
Natural alternative to ibuprofen are ginger, arnica, ginseng
Anticyclonic from raspberries and sweet cherries, holy basil and olive oil.

Drinking coffee affect the suicide rate. A large harvoul study ravened that participants who drunk 2 to 4 cup of coffee per day were 50% less likely to attempt suicide than those who drank decaf or no coffee.

105 healthtips

Image result for cheese
Sure, dairy contains tryptophan, which serves as a precursor for the sleep-inducing hormone serotonin, but study participants who consumed dairy products (like cheese!) before bed were more likely to report unsavory dreams. Sounds like a great reason to ditch the caloric late night pizza if you ask us.

Hot Sauce
Image result for hot sauce
According to the study, students who ate spicy foods before bed had a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. They also reported having stressful dreams. The reason: Spicy foods alter the body’s temperature, which according to the study, alters dream formations during the REM (rapid eye motion) stage of sleep. That doesn’t mean you have to totally ditch the hot sauce and spicy grub, though. Just cut yourself off six hours before you turn in for the night—and be sure to stick to one the Eat This!-approved bottles from our special report,

Image result for booze
The only thing scarier than a killer hangover? The dreams you have the night after you’ve had a few. Not only can consuming alcohol before bed makes it more difficult to fall into a deep sleep, participants in the study reported nightmares and stressful dreams after knocking back a few.

Cookies & Cake
Image result for chocolate
Get this: In the study, 31 percent of all reported “bizarre dreams” occurred after participants had eaten sugary foods like cookies and cake. While sweet treats may be tempting before bed, you’re better off giving into your cravings with one of these.

Image result for chocolate
After dairy products, sweets and chocolate were the second most frequently mentioned category of dream-influencing foods, with reports of “bizarre” and “disturbing” dreams being the most common. "Remember that chocolate is high in caffeine (which has been shown to decrease your ability to fall into a deep sleep) and has sugar, so this may not be the best bet before bed,” Lauren Kelly, MS, RD, CDN of Kelly Wellness in New York City tells us. Even if you’re eating the healthy dark variety, Kelly advises enjoying it as an early afternoon snack instead of a post-dinner dessert. If you have to have some chocolaty goodness after your evening meal, cut your portion size back to see if that helps.

Image result for chips
Just because chips don’t have sugar or caffeine doesn’t mean they’re a good before-bed snack. About 12.5 percent of all disturbing dreams in the study were caused by the consumption of “greasy junk food” like chips. That’s not the only reason to stay away either. The grease can do a number on your digestive tract, making it hard for you to stay in a restful sleep. Switch to a lighter healthy chip or nibble on something else that’s crunchy.

Hot Cocoa
Image result for hot cocoa
We already told you that both the white granular stuff and dairy could bring out the monsters in the closet, so it should come as no surprise that the mix of sugar and milk in hot cocoa can bring you bad dreams. If you crave a soothing warm drink before bed, opt for warm water with lemon or a caffeine-free detox tea. The calming valerian and hop varieties are two of our favorites—just don’t forget to hold the milk.

Pasta & Bread
Image result for Pasta & Bread
Participants in the study who had pasta or bread before bed reported having upsetting dreams, which is no surprise considering sugar consumption was shown to have the same effect. It’s a little-known fact, but carbs actually convert to glucose (a form of sugar) in the body. That said, try to eat your carbs earlier in the day so your body has time to process them before you settle in for sleep. Other carb-slashing options: ditch the top bun on your burger and swap your noodles.

Fries & Chicken Nuggets
Image result for Fries & Chicken Nuggets
Some study participants who had greasy foods before bed reported having nightmares. With that in mind, we suggest choosing baked foods over fried whenever possible. Love fries? Make a healthier version by cutting a potato into wedges, tossing them on a baking sheet, and coating them with a touch of olive oil, paprika, garlic powder, and ground pepper. Bake for 45 minutes at 450 degrees. If the spud’s carb content still winds up giving you nightmares, try dialing back the serving size. For a healthier way to make a batch of nuggets.


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Though they’re often regarded as the better choice, many bottled juices are just as bad as a can of Coke or Pepsi. “Many people think of [juice] as a healthy option, when really it can have even more sugar than a comparably sized soda," warns Kelly. If you drink juice, only do so early in the day and be sure to dilute it with a little bit of water. Remember, sugar lures the boogieman out. For more ways to cut back on your intake of the sweet stuff.

Salad Dressing
Image result for salad dressing
In the study, sweet foods were shown to cause scary dreams. But not all sugar comes from obvious sources like donuts and milkshakes. To scare off the Boogyman, Kelly says to be careful to avoid “hidden sources of sugar like ketchup and salad dressings.” Not sure which bottles to ban from your cabinet? Don’t miss our report.

Yogurt & Ice Cream
Image result for Yogurt & Ice Cream
We get it: Late night TV and Ben&Jerry’s go together like, well, late night TV and Ben&Jerry’s; they’re the perfect match. But due to their sugar content and dairy base, ice cream and even some healthy-looking Greek yogurt varieties can give you nightmares. If you’re craving something creamy, look for a non-dairy, low sugar option instead.
Eat a rainbow platter

According to research, one of the best ways to boost your health by taking in a host of necessary nutrients, is by adding colour to your diet. According to the book, ‘What colour is your diet?’, written by known American medical researcher, David Heber, M.D, fruits and vegetables fall into five different categories – red, purple/blue, orange/yellow, green, and white/brown, and each colour comes with its own benefits.

Eat a rainbow platter

According to research, one of the best ways to boost your health by taking in a host of necessary nutrients, is by adding colour to your diet. According to the book, ‘What colour is your diet?’, written by known American medical researcher, David Heber, M.D, fruits and vegetables fall into five different categories – red, purple/blue, orange/yellow, green, and white/brown, and each colour comes with its own benefits. 

Health tips

May help to combat cystitis
Have antibacterial properties
Ease digestive upsets
Unlike many berries which are so sour they are to be cooked with sugar to make them palatable, blueberries are naturally sweet and can be eaten raw, so preserving their vitamin C. Though they are good source of vitamin, you would need to eat almost 300gm of fresh berries to meet the average adult’s daily requirement.
Traditionally, the berries were dried and use to cure diarrhoea and food poisoning. Medical research now offers a scientific basis for such remedies for they contain antibacterial compounds which are particularly effective against some forms of E coli, the main culprits in many gastrointestinal disorder.

Broad Beans 
Supply protein
High in soluble fibre

May cause flatulence
May react with certain antidepressant drugs to produce high blood pressure
Can trigger favism, a severe inherited disorder
Broad beans are nutritious filling, inexpensive and can be useful low-fat, high-fibre component of any balanced diet. The shelled beans provide beta carotene which the body converts to vitamin A, and also contain iron, niacin vitamin C and vitamin E. A small portion supplies more than a quarter of the daily requirement of phosphorus which, among other function, helps to maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Health tips for beetroot, blackberry, blackcurrants

Beet Root


  • Good resource of folate.
  • Rich in potassium.
  • Contains some vitamin C.
  • Leafy top are rich in beta carotene, calcium and iron.

Nutritionally, freshly boild beetroot is a good if not better source of nutrients thanthe raw vegitable. It has higher levels of most minerals, including potassium (which regulates the heartbeat, and maintain normal blood pressure and nerve function).
Most of the vitamine levels remain the same, including vitamin C, and there is only a slight loss of folate. Some people eat beetroot raw grated in a salad, but most prefer it cooked.



  • Useful resource of vitamin C.
  • Contain fiber and folate.

Blackberries are useful source of vitamin C, Which helps to fight infection and boost the immune system. Fresh blackberry juice makes a excellent all-round tonic because it provides carbohydrates for energy, it is rich in bioflavonoids and it also contains fiber as well as folate.


  • Excellent source of vitamin C.
  • Soothe sore throats.
  • Combat bacterial stomach infection.

Blackcurrants are high in vitamin C, which is vital in improving iron  absorption for vegetarians. Weight for weight, they have four time as much vitamin C as an orange.One 15g (1/2oz) tablespoon supplies 30mg of vitamin - three quarters of the UK recommended daily intake.
Blackcurrant skin contain pigments called anthocyanins, which are known to inhibit  bacteria such as E.coli - a common cause of stomach upsets. In Scandinavia, the dried, powdered skins are used to treat diarrhea. Anthocyanins are also anti-flammatory, which is why a blackcurrant drink soothes sore throats.